Denis Behr emailed to say that the first part of the routine performed by Ricky Jay is like Vernon's The Third Colour from The Vernon Chronicles Volume 2. Denis provided a link to references on his Conjuring Archive site. Here it is:


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PS Just ordered a Reverse Svengali Deck. A svengali deck was one of my first purchases as a kid.

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According to Burling Hull, he was just a kid when he invented it!

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I loved watching SImon Drake when I was a kid. Very dark TV series. They should re make this! I wonder is it available to watch anywhere?

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There are some clips on Simon Drake's House of Magic website and also on YouTube.

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Hi David, once again wonderful content. Ricky Jay one of my favourite magicians. Svengali - Very early on in magic I saw a very basic handling of a Svengali deck and rejected any further 'dealings' with it. I've never realised what can be achieved the principal. Thank you very much for the instruction. Col

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Glad you enjoyed it. As a kid I was thoroughly baffled by the Svengali Deck when I saw it at a local fair. Subsequently, I discovered it had been sold to me by Johnny Neptune, one of the best demonstrators in the country. I also bought the Spooky Pencil. A true mystery in his hands.

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I knew Johnny Neptune well and in fact I learned the Spooky Pencil from him although I had also read it in some Harry Stanley publication or other. I actually incorporate the routine in my Marmaduke the Wonder Mouse demonstration. Here is what I mean! The pencil bit happens at around 1.11 in.


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It seems to say the video is no longer available but I have no idea why since I can see it perfectly. If you have difficulty just search you tube for "Marmaduke the Wonder Mouse" and you will find it.

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I bought the spooky pencil from him too. Actually, I persuaded my brother to buy it since I'd already spent my pocket money on the Svengali Deck. And, I was so disappointed when I learned the method. My brother was even more disappointed since it was his money! Took me a while to really appreciate the effect and how amazing I thought it was when I first saw it. The link to Marmaduke works, thanks. I can imagine creating a little card routine around Marmaduke with the mouse emerging from a card box. A less techie version of the kind of routine that Del Ray had. Might be an interesting project.

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With regard to Any Card at Any Number I worked out a very direct method with a svengali deck. No need for a reverse svengali. The normal one will work just find. There is a way of making a fan showing all the cards to be key cards. Difficult to explain in this short post but the secret of it is in my book, "The Long and the Short of It"

Anyway you make this fan but you show the faces of it to only one person. You say to this person, "Think, just think of any one of these cards. Don't move a muscle, don't say anything--just think of one" Of course there is only one card they can possibly think of and if you choose the right person you will have an instant stooge. Your patter as indicated above will discourage him from smirking or giving the game away.

Now get someone to name any other person to name a number. I really don't think I need to explain the rest!

One thing I would do though to emphasise the cards are all different without drawing attention to the matter is to spread them all face upwards on the table showing indifferent cards. Alas you will have to buy my book in able to learn how to do this. You say to your instant stooge while you point to various cards in the face up spread. "You could have picked the Queen of Spades, the five of clubs, the two of diamonds or in fact any card" Gather the spread up and ask him to finally name his card. Now get the number from someone else and either deal down to it yourself or get someone else to do it.

I prefer the former because I hate wasting time when performing. Too many people who do this trick take forever to get it over with. And of course if you deal the cards yourself there is less chance of obvious mishaps. Still, do it any way you like..............

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Oh, by the way there IS a routine with the mouse emerging from a card box. Well, a small box anyway! I think I read it in the same Harry Stanley publication I read the pencil routine in. The title was "Tricks of the Television Stars!"

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